You asked for got it. Actually, my friend Todd Kashdan suggested I post my playlists. It seemed like a good idea at first but I had no idea how to post one. So, after some searching and deciphering the odd formats for playlists, I decided to provide a more graphical representation of what I listen to and when. Here goes...
Album (CD, mp3, or whatever metric you use to demarcate a collection of songs) 1: Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Specifically, the one pictured below. I love this CD and play it when I am out in the mountains all the time. The music relaxes me and allows me to appreciate the wonders of nature.
Album 2: Nothing gets me in the mood for thoughtful reflection like Miles Davis. In particular, I love Kind of Blue. His soulful rendition of these songs makes life much more enjoyable. Transitioning from Vivaldi to Miles Davis ain't so hard.
Albums 3-10: My complete collection of Steely Dan. Yep, Walter Becker and Donald Fagen accompany me on all outings. They created such great jazz-infused rock that I get inspired and walk a bit faster while jamming to their songs. The best album cover they have is from Aja but I have 8 other albums that span their 10-12 year recording history in the 70's and 80's.
Album 11 and 12: I need to slow down a bit after Steely Dan with a little Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon....
and Wish You Were Here:
Albums 13-?: What better way to reach my destination than to rock out to The Pogues? Pink Floyd puts me into a contemplative state whereas Shane McGowan and the rest of the band get me fired up to finish off the day. I prefer the edgy sounds of If I Should Fall from the Grace With God...
but for simplicity, I tend to listen to the Ultimate Collection - 2 discs - (not as good as the original but darn close):
Combined, these albums give me about 12 and 1/2 hours of listening enjoyment. Tomorrow, I will supplement this list with a few of my other favorites.
See what all this waiting is doing to me? Happy Easter.
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